Horny devil wants some ass

Posted in web sluts on March 28th, 2016 by admin

What horny devil doesn’t want a feisty slut with a pony tail butt plug. Once you first see her with that shoved all the way up there, you know she likes it in the ass. And look at her, she looks like fun. I bet she’s a screamer, you can see it in her eyes.

Horny devil and his whore

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Hoppy Easter

Posted in web sluts on March 27th, 2016 by admin

I’d like to stuff her easter basket.

naked girl in a easter bunny mask

Waking up to this would certainly make me happy.

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Is it summer yet?!

Posted in general mayhem on March 13th, 2016 by admin

I know the winter is just on the way out, but whats the point of this 40 or 50 degree weather. Just get to the point when we can go outside and play in the sunshine.

topless girl in a rubber cat mask plays in the pool

This is my kind of pool party.

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Ho-tell hot tub…

Posted in general mayhem on March 5th, 2016 by admin

Taking a little trip this weekend. Mostly out of necessity, but a night in a hotel with a hot tub should be fun. One thing on my mind.

naked girl in the hot tub shows her butt hole

There could also be the potential for a few more naughty photos…


We’re still up to no good…

Posted in general mayhem on March 3rd, 2016 by admin

…just not as good at updating the blog.

So here we go again.

Stripper bunny dances on the glass ceiling

and a good time was had by all

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