Dental Thursdays

Posted in general mayhem on January 17th, 2013 by pet_girl

I am sorry that this will be a short blog tonight.
I had dental work done today and since I do not have a hard core dentist fetish I am just exhausted from the visit.

Actually that isn’t 100% true. I have a minor dental fetish. There is one type of pain that dental work taps into. You might know what it is. It is a deep pain, it isn’t stabbing or sharp but rather throbbing and somehow if my dentist hits that one spot I do feel my fetish rise to the top.

However, I do not see myself playing in a dentist patient role play anytime soon.

So this little pup is going to curl up with just her ears and paws on and relax in bed.

I rented the the movie “The Pet” I will have to see if it gives me any ideas

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